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Do you want to explore Jewish heritage, traditions and wisdom? Do you want to feel empowered in your spirituality? I founded Keeping It Sacred as the place to do that, and you are welcome here. Our acronym, KITS, honors my beloved grandmother, Fruma Kit Endler, who died at the age of 100 this past June.
Here, you can become a member of the community by subscribing to the newsletter which shares the latest information on all of our programming -- consider this your official invitation to all that we offer.

Did I mention that we are committed to providing accessible experiences, so our programs are free. Meaningful donations of any amount by those who value this concept are most welcome and appreciated- it’s what fuels the work.
All are welcome. That means you, your Jewish and non -Jewish friends, and family. Everyone who would like to participate in the exploration of ancient Jewish texts and rituals made relevant today, anyone wanting to benefit from the wisdom of the ancient sacred wisdom.
Please invite them!
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And, if you're comfortable, I'd love it if you would drop me a note HERE about your and your spiritual journey. Glad to be connected here!
Together we’re #keepingitsacred...
Sampling of Topics for
Future Appearances:
Member of the:
our team

"Teamwork makes the dream work!" As we complete our first year of operation, and our growth has gained considerable momentum. It is time to expand the team! We are so lucky this team has assembled, and we are thrilled to introduce you to the talented folks who will take Keeping It Sacred to the next level:
Kimberly Dueñas (top middle) will lead our Rosh HaShanah Second Day program. She was born into a multicultural home in California, and she discovered that the best way to explore her dynamic Jewish identity was to immerse and involve herself in the world - beginning with tracing her roots to rural El Salvador, Europe, and Israel. She is a seasoned international Jewish educator passionate about wellness, community healing, and as the Community Coordinator for Jewtina y Co., nurturing the Latin-Jewish community, leadership and resiliency, and celebrating multiculturalism.
Molly Flanagan (top left) will return to Keeping It Sacred this year as our talented Digital Media Manager. Molly is a recent graduate of Wellesley College majoring in Film Studies, and will produce our forthcoming second season of the People Keeping It Sacred webcast & podcast, and provide further support to our social media accounts. Molly is currently working on several exciting projects in and around New York City and Boston, but has found time to continue helping Keeping It Sacred and writes, “I am thrilled to continue my involvement with this special community doing such sacred work in the world!"
Beth Hamon (bottom right) will lead, with Rabbi Miller, the first ever Keeping It Sacred Confirmation Ceremony celebrating our commitment to Torah study. Of that, she writes: "Revelation didn't end at Sinai, it began there. Every time we gather to study Torah we continue the beautiful chain of commentary, criticism and transmission of our foundational texts for generations to come." She is a prolific singer/songrwiter in Portland, Oregon and former girl scout, bike mechanic, and the daughter of nightclub musicians. Her contemporary folk songs straddle the line between Jewish and secular themes of justice, hope, renewal and love.
Tori Greene (bottom middle) is passionate about creating spaces for exploration and belonging. She brought her guitar and song-leading experience to curate soulful and uplifting musical selections for our Hanukkah celebration this year.
Jeffrey Silverstein (top right) brings an enthusiasm for Jewish textual and musical traditions and will co-lead, with Rabbi Miller, our monthly Shabbat Services. We were fortunate to have Jeffrey co-lead our Sweet & Sacred High Holy Day Services last year as well as our epic Hanukkah Celebration. He is a current rabbinical student at HUC-JIR in Cincinnati and shares, “I believe song and harmony are big part of #keepingitsacred!"
Elizabeth Lange (bottom left) and Rabbi Miller (both alumnae of Wellesley College) will team up to lead the community through the upcoming High Holy Day season. She comes from a musical family and has been playing music and singing from before she can remember. She has deep experience in synagogue communities is an attorney who has practiced securities law and was named a Massachusetts Super Lawyer “Rising Star.” . She shares, "I'm thrilled to be serving as a Cantorial Soloist with Keeping It Sacred for the High Holy Days this season!"
You are invited to enjoy the excellent talents of these fantastic individuals by registering for our programs at keepingitsacred.com/upcoming-1.