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Do you want to explore Jewish heritage, traditions and wisdom? Do you want to feel empowered in your spirituality? I founded Keeping It Sacred as the place to do that, and you are welcome here. Our acronym, KITS, honors my beloved grandmother, Fruma Kit Endler, who died at the age of 100 this past June.
Here, you can become a member of the community by subscribing to the newsletter which shares the latest information on all of our programming -- consider this your official invitation to all that we offer.

Did I mention that we are committed to providing accessible experiences, so our programs are free. Meaningful donations of any amount by those who value this concept are most welcome and appreciated- it’s what fuels the work.
All are welcome. That means you, your Jewish and non -Jewish friends, and family. Everyone who would like to participate in the exploration of ancient Jewish texts and rituals made relevant today, anyone wanting to benefit from the wisdom of the ancient sacred wisdom.
Please invite them!
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Sampling of Topics for
Future Appearances:
Member of the:
people keeping it sacred
Welcome to People Keeping It Sacred!
In this 7-episode web and podcast series, Rabbi Heather Miller interviews seven thoughtful friends yielding intelligent, joyful conversations about personal spiritual narratives.
Season 2 topics include:
Living Peace,
Forging New Paths Forward,
Living Authentically,
Investing in the Future,
Holistic Approaches to Spirituality,
Spiritual Repair,
The Power of Convening, and more!
People Keeping It Sacred SEASON 1:
Topics include: Queer Religiosity, Mental Health and COVID, Jews of Color, Effecting Legislative Change, Living our Values, Honoring Ancestors, and more! Click below on the episode and be ready to be inspired!

Episode 1: Kelly Suzanne Saulsberry
Topics include: the process of personal spiritual growth, rhythms of Buddhism, change-making In government, creating communities of inclusion.
Episode 2: Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn
Topics include: spiritual leadership of a modern Orthodox synagogue through COVID, the multidimensionality of identity, mining the gems in text study, the importance of mental health.
Episode 3: Benjamin Simpson
Topics include: historical trajectory of the Catholic church, creating a deeply personal theology, the strength of the rhythms of ritual, the relevance of sacred texts.
Episode 4: Professor Helen Kim
Topics include: inclusion of Jews of Color in Jewish institutional life, the myths of the model minority, personal empowerment through conversion, creating Jewish community in Walla Walla, WA.
Episode 5: Jethro Heiko
Topics include: a personal journey of grief, using irreverence to launch sacred conversations, for-profit models that align with social justice goals, teaching kids values.
Episode 6: Serena Poon
Topics include: the pressures of growing up as a PK (preacher’s kid) in a Christian megachurch, intense process of coming out to family, navigating rejection, healing through reclaiming faith for yourself.
Episode 7: The Rev. Dr. Sarah Halverson
Topics include: working for justice, politics in the pulpit, dealing with disappointment, interfaith community love, transformational growth, COVID as a time to re-imagine the world we want to see.
Trailer: Season 1
Get a sense of the accessible, relevant, positive, and empowering energy of this inspiring new podcast that asks the question: How are YOU keeping it Sacred?
These episodes can be found as podcasts at:
Spotify Google Podcasts, Apple + Podcasts, RadioPublic, Breaker, PocketCasts, and other podcast players.
And, if you've gotten spiritual nourishment from this series, please let us know by emailing Rabbi Miller at rabbimiller@keepingitsacred.com. If you'd like to sustain our work, please consider making a voluntary financial contribution at keepingitsacred.com/our-future. Together, we're #keepingitsacred...